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8 Week Coaching Program Create YOUR Identity Shift

Have you tried making changes over and over only to fail time and time again? Does it feel like your life is spinning out of control? Do you look in the mirror and not recognize yourself? Have your relationships hit a flat spot, is your career path unclear or unsatisfying, and does nothing excite you anymore?


That was me and I was tired of spinning my wheels as I knew I could achieve more and be more. If you have read my book or followed my journey you know that I found the “secret sauce” and am living each day with passion and purpose, after finally putting together all of the pieces of the puzzle.


If you’re unsatisfied physically, emotionally, and financially, The Identity Shift 8 Week Course – with clear, practical steps and guidance (and some tough love), will help shed light on some of the issues that might be holding you back from a thriving life. If you’re looking for a way out of your current circumstance, or a way in to a life full of purpose and self-worth, and are ready to get committed and take action, then this is the course for you!


With my 8 Week Coaching Program, I offer you the best of my learnings, experience and proven strategies that have helped propel hundreds of people in my life and my organization to maximize their results and live happy, productive and fulfilling lives. Here's what it entails:


What can you expect? In my 8 week Online Course I meet with course participants once per week via video zoom. We roll up our sleeves and get to work! Here is where I challenge you to dig deep and help you to peel away layer after layer to get to the root of why you’ve been stuck or unfulfilled in certain areas of your life, and how to move forward.


I will take you through my Identity Shift Transformation Workbook and challenge you to go deeper than just the surface. After all, the “juice” is in the “uncomfortable” zone. You will be a part of a private accountability Facebook group where I will be there to answer questions week to week and guide you through the process. Ready? Then click the button to the left to book a call to get started!

Click Here For Group Coaching

One on One Coaching

Not into group coaching and prefer privacy and working 1 on 1? I offer limited spots and this is based on a interview process starting with a 20 min discovery call. Click the button below to get started!

Click Here For 1 on 1 Coaching